Saturday, June 29, 2013

The bottom line

Dear Nikki-

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and have had sex in many different positions and places in that time. He has always had this desire to have anal sex but I am scared to try it. I really want to please him! Any advice?


Scared in Santa Barbara, CA

Hi Scared-

Thanks for writing in! I hope I can help you to decide on what to do.

First of all, you have to ask yourself if you are interested in trying anal sex. Truth is if you are not into it, you will likely not enjoy it and if he cares about you he will respect your feelings on the issue.

However, if you are curious and think it may be something worth trying, there are definitely tips to help. I am assuming he has never had anal sex before either? It is best to take it slow; have him use his fingers or small anal toys first to help you relax to the idea. You should absolutely use lubrication and can even find some with a numbing agent to make it easier. Once you feel that you are ready to move from the toys to the real thing, have him insert slowly and only a little bit at a time. Once he has rhythmically moved in and out slow and steady, you can tell him when you are ready for him to pick up the pace. Ultimately, it is about trust and you should be able to tell him what you want, need and dislike!

Happy experimenting! As always be safe and use protection! Visit my site for toys, lubes and protection



Got a question? Just ask Nikki

Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Ask Nikki"

I am getting the urge to blog again and am revamping! I would like to roll out "Ask Nikki",  your advise column. Ask all of your personal sex and relationship questions and get answers. Having issues in the bedroom? Think your relationship is in trouble? Wanna know how one of our products work? Ask Nikki and get your answers.

Contact us at any of our social media spots or by email at  with details on your question or concern and your tag name i.e. heartbroken in Houston, careless in California, forgotten in Florida, etc. Your question will be answered in our column, you will remain anonymous and you will receive a message with a link to the blog section answering your question.

Start asking today!

* This is a safe place for personal conversation. Any negative comments will not be posted!

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