Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dry spell



Dear Nikki,

My wife and I had a child about three months ago. Though our daughter is a blessing and the most amazing thing in our lives, we no longer have a sex life. If we are not up with the baby we are exhausted. My wife's sex drive is nonexistent.

How do I get back the spice in our bedroom?


A man with needs in Nevada


Dear Mr. Needs-

A baby changes your relationship in all sense of the meaning. There is plenty of joy that comes from your new addition but the dynamics of your marriage also changes.

It is important to be on baby duty equally. Maybe allow her to stay in bed during the 2 am shift. Be patient as along with your baby girl, your wife is also dealing with drastic changes to her body and emotions. She may not feel very attractive and doesn't have much time for herself anymore.

When and only when she is ready, have a trusted family member or friend stay with your child and take her away for the night. Though she may still worry about your daughter, she will appreciate the alone time and intimacy. In time your sexual relationship will adapt and though it may not be as spontaneous it will definitely be spicy.




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