Monday, December 31, 2012
Top 10 Least Sexy Sex Stories of 2012
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
New Year's Party
Turn all the heads when you enter the room in this Pink lipstick ignition ruched club dress in silver. It's sexy and shimmery...what better way to stand out in the crowd. You will be sure to get that special kiss when the ball drops!
Only $22.99!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Fun Find Friday: Vajazzles
Ladies! We love to accessories from head to toe! We have some accessories for the in between, if you know what I mean!
Decorate your lady bits for special occasions or just for fun! We even have some Vajazzle's to celebrate the incoming 2013!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Favorite New Year's Beverages
New Year's Eve is one of the biggest drinking nights there is so I felt the Thirsty Thursday prior to ringing in the new year was an appropriate time to look at the best drinks for the special evening. Click the link under the drinks photo to get the recipe!
I am getting thirsty! As always - Don't Drink and Drive!
Happy New Year's
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Recovering from Christmas
The holidays are a stressful time! Though we enjoy the festivities, we make ourselves crazy preparing.
We all love food and tend to get a little crazy during the holidays. You always say you are going to monitor but when the spread hits the table those rules go right out the window. Don't beat yourself up for overindulging. Instead, make sure you don't take leftovers or if you are the host, try to give them away to guests. If it is in your fridge you will eat it!
Picture Perfect:
Don't lament over the little bickers and spills. We all try for the perfect holiday but things happen! You know that little Timmy is likely to spill his juice, aunt Sally and uncle Bob bicker at the dinner table, Grammy needs you to yell so she can hear you. The only perfect occasion is one that no one attends!
Tight on cash:
You will likely need to tighten your belt after Christmas because you are likely to go overboard on gifts. Here is something to try next year: instead of getting presents foe everyone - buy for the kids and do a gift exchange for the adults. Set a limit on your purchase price and you can draw names or make it a game. This will sure to make present giving more affordable.
If you host Christmas, you probably cleaned the house top to bottom on Christmas Eve and then the day after Christmas you wake to a mess. Don't freight, cleaning can wait a day! Put your feet up and relax!
Back to work:
Some of us unlucky people have to head back to work the very next day. Try to schedule a lighter day if you can. It can be very overwhelming this time of year but you can lower your stress by managing your time.
Don't forget to breathe! You have been through it before and you will sure to do it again next year. Don't lose sight of what is really important!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry XXXMas
NK would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas! Whether you have been naughty or nice (we prefer naughty) you can find wonderful gifts for that special someone at
We look forward to spending 2014 with you and we have a lot in store!
Monday, December 24, 2012
MMA Fighter broke his penis and is selling the pics
Usually serious injury for an MMA Fighter happens in the ring but that is not the case for Ray Elbe. On December 3rd, Ray tapped out while having a vigorous evening with his lady. Apparently she was on top...she went up, she came down, she went up....DOWN.....fractured penis! Ouch! WTF!
His injuries included tearing the urinary tract and some membrane. He and his girlfriend were in Malaysia at the time and he was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was stitched up. Since the incident he has posted a YouTube video telling the story. He is also attempting to sale photos of his mangled manhood to cover the expensive dong treatment.
Now I have heard about rough sex but this is a bit extreme! Heal fast Ray Elbe and good luck to your little buddy! Also, you may want to take some of that photo cash and send your girlfriend to therapy after that, just a suggestion!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Boxers vs. Briefs
Friday, December 21, 2012
End of the World Sale
Ok, it is time to sell, sell, sell! We are unloading inventory from photo shoots! We only have one of each so if you see something you want msg us right away!
Huge discounts on lingerie and costumes used in prior photo shoots!
Once again - there is only one of these items in inventory going at a great price! First come, first serve so claim it while you can. Cost is price +tax and s/h (if necessary) ALL SALES ARE FINAL!
Check out the inventory on our Facebook event!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Meet Roxy Tart!
Sometimes I feel like I was groomed to be a pin up from the beginning. My dad thought that the modern movies I wanted to watch weren't appropriate, so he started me on the classics early. My love affair with them started the first time I watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes staring Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. After that, I watched every classic Hollywood movie I could get my hands on. This was pretty easy to do. My grandma was in the theater so Broadway musicals were a part of life. Once she found out I was interested, she made sure I had every classic movie, staring every beautiful Hollywood starlet. I became her "theater baby", and would spend hours backstage watching everyone get into make up and costume, sneaking a little rouge or a strand of pearls when no one was looking. I'd run around the theater like it was my playground, putting on my own plays for anyone who would stop for a minute and watch me, pretending to be a fabulous leading lady. From the clothes they wore to the way they moved, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up; A bombshell, pin up socialite!
When I got older my mom wasn't very happy with the direction my style and habits were heading (I was a gutter-punk as a teen in Berkley, I loved it, she didn't), so she signed me up for Barbizon Modeling School. I was reluctant at first, but it was fun and I learned to love it. Barbizon taught me quite a bit about modeling, but couldn't beat the rebellious teenager out of me, so mom's next idea was finishing school. She went to Wendy Ward in the 60's and since it didn't exist anymore I was signed up for Norma Paton-Henning's School for Fine Young Ladies. I loved finishing school. It reminded me of those old movies (GiGi in particular), and how much I loved that era. When I graduated the rebel was still there, she was just a little more refined.
In my teenage years and early 20s I experimented with different looks and subcultures; goth, candy kid raver, japanese inspired kawaii decora and lolita, even the dreaded grunge look in the 90's, but no matter what I was wearing there were always two things every look had in common. My ever changing hair color (natural colors are so boring) and the fact that every look had a touch of pin up in it. I always tried to make it more fabulous, more colorful, and more glamorous.
After high school I went to Valley Beauty College to learn everything I could about hair and make up, and wouldn't you know it, one of my instructors was a former Pin Up in the 50's. She taught me all the classic hairstyles and I became her favorite pupil. Not so much my with my other teachers since after that I wasn't interested in anything modern. My parting gift was a copy of the schools first two text books, mint condition, from the early 60's. I still have them, and they have been invaluable in my education. After that my love of the 50's and pin ups was cemented and it was on to West Valley College where I majored in History of Fashion. My specialty… mid century of course!
I love everything about this lifestyle, the look, the music, and of course the people. Since I started in this scene, it’s been a never ending whirlwind of photo shoots, car shows, interviews, hairspray, high heels and red lips; and I love every minute of it!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
10 Reasons Your Not Having Sex
Are you in a sexual slump? Here are 10 good reasons you are not getting any action:
1. Your bedroom isn't sexy anymore: This is hard to face but the bedroom is meant for sex and sleep! If you want to give sex a higher priority, take technology out of the bedroom. No cellphones, laptops, tablets or television.
2. Your meds are stealing your sex drive: It get on contraception to prevent pregnancy and lose your sex drive! Talk to your doctor about your prescriptions and side effects. You may have alternatives or lower dose options.
3. Your schedule: You are a parent, hold a job, have chores and errands - spontaneous sex is out of the question and finding time is difficult. Get a lock on your bedroom door and set time limits on technology time. Switch things up with a soothing and sensual bath.
4. Body image: We are all rather hard on ourselves and this time of year is the worst! Know that he thinks your sexy even though you might not. Ask him what he likes about your body - it might just boost your confidence.
5. You are going through perimenopause: Hormonal shifts cause you to produce less estrogen and in turn less lubrication down below. Talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of hormone replacement and what your options are.
6. He's not feeling it: Maybe you are hot and heavy but he is fizzled out. He may be going through some emotional struggles or may want a more adventurous sex life. Talk it out in a blame-free nature. If you confront or accuse, it may never get better.
7. You're depressed: Women tend to isolate themselves when they are down and desire hits bottom. If you are on medication to treat your depression and notice your sex drive was affected by the medication, your doctor may have you try something else. If you are depressed and untreated anti-depressants can help you.
8. Your main is on the blue pill: Men use Viagra for erectile dysfunction but there is a time restraint on its effect while sometimes women need more time to become aroused. Discuss your needs and desires. See if you can find a good solution together.
9. You like your toys: Being someone who sells these wonderful gadgets, I can see you enjoying a vibrator more than the real thing. Men can not twist and vibrate in quite the same way. In order to save your relationship try new positions that may satisfy your needs or consider using the vibrator in your lovemaking.
10. You are sick and tired: Again, being a person with fibromyalgia, I can certainly understand. Auto-immune diseases are a common issue among women. They cause fatigue, pain, low sex-drive, depression. Take intercourse out of the equation and concentrate on intimacy and sensual pleasure.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Santa I've Been Bad
Have you been bad this year? Let Santa know with this adorable Santa I've Been Bad stocking!
Only $15.00 - Order now and get in time for Christmas :-)
Monday, December 17, 2012
Human Barbie Twins
As a child I loved Barbie and spent many hours playing with Barbie, Ken and their friends. I would even dare to say I dreamed of being Barbie! However, as I got older that desire faded. Who wants to be plastic, have to stand on their tiptoes all day and date a man with no genitals?
Apparently Valeria Lukyanova never grew out of the idea. She is known as the human Barbie doll and this Ukrainian model has become an internet sensation.
Valeria has found a playmate to share her dream house Olga 'Dominica' Oleynik. The 24 yr old could pass as Lukyanova's twin. Both women dawn a terrifyingly tiny waist, busts seemingly larger than their heads, flaxen hair extensions and large, wide, dead-looking eyes.
They met online five years ago and both hail from the Ukrainian city of Odessa. They plan on taking America by storm as they are moving here. Dominica's boyfriend already lives in America and Valeria's husband wants to start a business. I wonder if either of the men are named Ken?!?
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Naughty Nice Sequin Dress
It's sexy Saturday and it's Santa season at that! So are you on the naughty or the nice list?
In this sparkly sequined four piece dress - it won't matter which list you are on because Santa will be giving you a ton of attention. Wardrobe comes with dress, hat, belt and thong!
Be Santa little helper for $37.01
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hair Bling
These look super fun!
The Color Shock Bling It On Iron-on Crystal Hair Jewelry from XGen. This iron on crystal hair jewelry will add sparkle to any hairstyle. 100% synthetic crystal. Get glamorous in 4 easy steps: cut out crystals, press to hair, apply heat, cool and remove paper.
Rock your bling for the holidays!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Reyna Mar
Renya Mar hails from the great state of Texas! This raven beauty adores classic cars, pinup, and dressing up . Renya has a heart of gold! She comes to photoshoots helpful, assisting, smiling and she is pure joy to work with. In just a few short months her modeling career has taken off!
She too is not only a model but an assistant with Dezi Doll Hair and Makeup. Besides modeling Renya enjoys her family, going to car shows, and just being one of the girls!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sperm killers?
These days we are having fewer babies. The plummeting birth rates may be the cause of less sex, abortions or your little swimmers are not as efficient as they should be.
Here are some surprising sperm zappers:
Bisphenol A: Bisphenol A is used primarily to make plastics. This chemical can seep into food from the packaging.
Phthalates: Some shampoos, soaps and even sex toys contain the chemicals that compromise sperm count and quality.
Alcohol and Smoking: Booze, nicotine and marijuana significantly lower sperm counts and mess with sperm's ability to swim.
Stress: Stress can cause many issues to a body and reproduction is no exception. Stress inhibits testosterone and cuts sperm count drastically.
Soy: The isoflavones in soy products mimic estrogen.
Polychlorinated biohenyls: PCBs accumulate in contaminated fish. Opt for smaller, younger fish.
Perfluoroalkyl acids: These are the chemicals found on nonstick products such as Teflon, Gore-Tex and wax paper. The chemicals lower sperm count.
Abstinence: Ok, I am not stating that you need to go hook up but waiting too long before cleaning the pipes is actually counterproductive. Waiting more than a few days to ejaculate can cause sperm to lose motility and change shape.
Here are some surprising sperm zappers:
Bisphenol A: Bisphenol A is used primarily to make plastics. This chemical can seep into food from the packaging.
Phthalates: Some shampoos, soaps and even sex toys contain the chemicals that compromise sperm count and quality.
Alcohol and Smoking: Booze, nicotine and marijuana significantly lower sperm counts and mess with sperm's ability to swim.
Stress: Stress can cause many issues to a body and reproduction is no exception. Stress inhibits testosterone and cuts sperm count drastically.
Soy: The isoflavones in soy products mimic estrogen.
Polychlorinated biohenyls: PCBs accumulate in contaminated fish. Opt for smaller, younger fish.
Perfluoroalkyl acids: These are the chemicals found on nonstick products such as Teflon, Gore-Tex and wax paper. The chemicals lower sperm count.
Abstinence: Ok, I am not stating that you need to go hook up but waiting too long before cleaning the pipes is actually counterproductive. Waiting more than a few days to ejaculate can cause sperm to lose motility and change shape.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
What color are my eyes?
Do you ever feel like the man you are into is staring deeply, madly, longingly into your ......chest?
Here is a great tee to test the theory of their focus!
Pick up this "What color are my eyes" tee for $28.20! It comes in white with either black, red or blue trim.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Paid observer
There is a new trend in sex therapy with many couples feeling unsatisfied with their lovemaking.
Let me paint you the and your lover check in to a hotel for some passion. You light some candles, you play some mood music and dim the lights. In a dark corner of the room, you feel someone watching your every move.
The reason you feel eyes on you is because there are and you are paying $240 for this person to watch.
Now I know some dirty birds who would be turned on by someone watching them have sex but for most of us there would be some stage freight. This person is a sex coach and they are there to help you find the ultimate pleasure your life has been missing.
Many people rave over the experience stating that they were initially nervous but ended up having the most orgasmic sex that they have ever had.
So would you pay $240 for someone to watch you have sex?
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The Art of Making Love
This video courtesy of Right This Minute
This is very messy and abstract but definitely sexy!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Pin the Boobs on the Babe
Fun Find Friday! Most of us women know that we offer Pin the Macho on the Man but did you know that we have a version for the men?
Here is a fun game for your bachelor party: Pin the Boobs on the Babe
Here is a fun game for your bachelor party: Pin the Boobs on the Babe
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Valentines Day Shoot 01/19/13
We certainly are thriving this Thursday! Lilly Fuentes-Joy Photography and Dezi Doll are offering a Valentine Day Photo Shoot on Saturday, January 19th, 2013 at the The Rose Hotel in Pleasanton, CA.
The prices are reasonable and spaces are filling fast, so don't delay!
Call Lilly at 916-261-9825 or Dezi at 925-234-5645 to reserve your spot!
Then contact Misty at Naughty Knickers 707-413-9271
to purchase a corset or other lingerie at a discounted price!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Beware of where you keep your phone

Recently a 20 year old woman had a mastectomy due to being diagnosed with breast cancer. Scans of her breast showed a cluster of tumors located in the same place within her bra where she kept her phone.
Doctors are not sure if radiation or the heat of the battery are the cause but as it is being considered,manufacturers are creating bras with pockets for your phones.
Ladies, I admit to being guilty of holding my cellphone in my bra but I am consciously getting rid of the habit. Please consider doing the same and sharing this message!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Pink Taco
Who doesn't like a tasty taco? I am sure there are men out there who would be more than willing to show their love for the taco....the pink taco!
Our classic ringer t-shirt for men is 100% jersey cotton and comes in a variety of colors.
Purchase yours for $25.40
Monday, December 3, 2012
Ke$ha does it again!
She says she has over 1000 human teeth. She actually asked her fans to send them into her. In addition to her bra, she made a headdress, necklace and earrings!
Wonder if she has trouble with them matching? Maybe she uses white strips on them so they are ultra-white :-)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sexiest man alive 2012!
Ladies...I must say this man is super steamy and is making me salivate as I write this!
People Magazine has announced the sexiest man alive for 2012 and I would most definitely agree. He started as a back up dancer in Ricky Martins' She Bang video. He then modeled for clients such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Armani.
He made us fall in love with him in Dear John, laugh at him in 21 Jump Street and most of want him in Magic Mike! That's right....the tasty morsel I am talking about is Channing Tatum! Yum yum he sure is sexy!
People Magazine has announced the sexiest man alive for 2012 and I would most definitely agree. He started as a back up dancer in Ricky Martins' She Bang video. He then modeled for clients such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Armani.
He made us fall in love with him in Dear John, laugh at him in 21 Jump Street and most of want him in Magic Mike! That's right....the tasty morsel I am talking about is Channing Tatum! Yum yum he sure is sexy!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Old Winey's Wine Opener
For all my old wine loving folks...I found the perfect bottle opener for you!
You may be old and whinin' but instead you should be wine'n! Uncork a bottle with the Old and Still Screwin' cork screw from Laid Back.
This is a great gag gift- just pair it with a bottle of wine and wine glass, then they are all set! Or bring it out at your next party and turn those whines into giggles!
Get yours today!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Hot Totties
It's thirsty Thursday and it is also cold season so I felt that a hot tottie was in order. When you are battling the sniffles this helps knock it out as well as you!
My pops recipe:
- Hot water
- Tea bag (camomile is ideal)
- Brandy
- Lemon
- Honey
Be sure to drink it all while it is warm and then scoot off to bed!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
An alternative to pain meds
Pain medication sometimes is the most suitable treatment for pain management. However, if you have ever taken medication, you know that your tolerance builds, leading you to larger doses. And worse yet, the side effects can be unbearable and can require meds to treat the side effects of meds.
As a chronic pain sufferer I am always exploring alternative pain management options. I came across an article of interest and thought I would share the details.
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
As a chronic pain sufferer I am always exploring alternative pain management options. I came across an article of interest and thought I would share the details.
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
A common cause for chronic pain, in particular in the joints, is inflammation. With that said, foods with anti-inflammatory properties are great to ease pain. A balanced diet with omega-3 fatty acids is one way to reduce pain naturally. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, and can provide pain relief for patients with chronic pain, osteoporosis, and arthritis.
It’s very easy to add omega-3 fatty acids into a diet program. Seafood, in particular fish, and nuts – almonds and walnuts – are great, healthy, tasty sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements are another natural way to consume omega-3 fatty acids.
2. Garlic and Ginger
Spices can have anti-inflammatory powers as well, such as garlic and ginger (which taste great when cooked together, too!).
3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another great addition to a balanced diet that can provide natural pain relief and prevent bone loss. A study published in the online journal PLOS One found that vitamin C prevents bone degeneration. There are several fruits and vegetables packed with vitamin C. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, and berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, are prime vitamin C fruits. Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, also contain high levels vitamin C. Similar to omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C can be consumed as a supplement as well.
4. Quercetin
In addition, most fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that also reduce inflammation. Berries, for example, contain the biofalovoids anthocyanidin and quercetin, which have anti-inflamatory properties. Researchers are now looking at the effectiveness of quercetin for chronic prostatitis and fibromyalgia.
5. Oleocanthal
The naturally occurring chemical compound oleocanthal has been found to be as effective for pain relief as anti-inflamtory pain medication. A 2010 study published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism reported that oleocanthal can be applied in the treatment of inflammatory degenerative joint diseases. This compound is found in extra virgin olive oil, which is why olive oil is an excelled substitute for vegetable oil and butter. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants, which as said above have properties that can reduce inflammation.
6. Resveratrol
Resveratrol is another naturally occurring chemical compound that can keep chronic pain at bay. Researchers from Chicago’s Rush Univeristy Medical Center found that this compound can block the enzymes that are a key factor in the cartilage damage that causes back pain. Red wine and red grapes (but make sure the skin is eaten) contain high amounts of resveratrol – adding to the list of red wine’s health benefits. In addition, the compound is found in dark chocolate, peanuts, and blueberries.
Proper nutrition can be a tasty, simple, and fun way to pain relief. In addition to a balanced diet, it is important to exercise routinely, as weight gain is a common cause of chronic pain. Exercise will certainly enhance the benefits experienced along with proper nutrition, and vice versa.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Good Girls Do Bad Things
Though I am certainly not an angel, I consider myself a "Good Girl." But don't let that stop your dirty mind from wandering because Good Girls Do Bad Things and we do them well!
Do you feel that you are in this category too? Then why not rock the hoodie! Front zipper and comes in pink, grey or black.
Order yours for $38.90 right now!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Cyber Monday
Have a Christmas party coming up? We sell great gag gifts! Need to get those stocking stuffers? Pick up our hemp lotions, candles and bubble baths!
Maybe you aim to please Mr. Claus this it in XXX style with some sexy lingerie, slick lubes and naughty toys!
Shop today for another $10 off your purchase of $50 or more!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Clearance Items
Let's talk Sexy Saturday....saving money....super sexy!
NK has a Clearance area where you can find some great bargains on adult items, lingerie, even a Halloween costume for next year!
Take a look and see what you can pick up for a steal!
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