Monday, April 29, 2013

German first grade sex ed book...way to graphic!


One surefire way to tick off parents is to show their five-year-olds an illustration of a woman applying a condom to a man's erect penis.

That didn't stop one elementary school in Berlin, Germany, though. In fact -- they showed the kids an entire book of sexually explicit drawings.

"Where Do You Come From?" is a children's sex-education book that features "Lisa" and "Lars" in various stages of sexual intercourse and then childbirth.

The publisher, Loewe Verlag, decided to discontinue the book after parents complained about the racy content to the Berlin Senate, The Telegraph reported.

A spokesperson told the newspaper that the drawings and text were actually inappropriate for first graders.

Um, you think?

According to Spiegel Online, a German news website, the school originally ignored parents' complaints. Surprisingly, the book is still available at the school but is now "not accessible to the children."

That, of course, just makes us wonder -- who is accessing it, then?

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