Monday, February 4, 2013

Teen Mom Denied the Right to Breastfeed

Women everywhere are outraged and support new mother Jaielyn Belong in her desire to exclusively breastfeed her son, Adrian Amir Belong. Jaielyn is a sophomore at a Delaware high school and heading back to school next week. She has asked the school to consider accommodations for her newborn baby's feedings, however the school has rejected her request and state that she may only breastfeed before and after school hours.

Jaielyn has been comended by the Le Leche League for her maturity in taking responsibility for her child and feel that the by not supporting her choice to breastfeed the school is sending a negative message. Breastfeeding has been proven to be the best form of nutrition for an infant.

In light of this controversy moms created a Facebook page: We Support Jaielyn Belong's right to breastfeed
Since the virtual protests, members of the school have decided to give Jaielyn a private room to pump her milk and access to a refrigerator to store it.

The power of Facebook! Go like the page and show your support! I did :-)

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