I had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful and funny Veronica Virgo in February. She has agreed to an interview with NK! Here's what she had to say:

I dabbled in it off and on, & really just enjoyed having pictures taken for fun. I viewed it more as a "do it now so you have them to look back on when you're older" kind of thing. I looked at photos from when I was younger and (erroneously) thought I was "soooo fat" & I would think, "Why the hell wasn't I taking photos then?!" I realized I was happier with my body & more confidant now than I had ever been, so why not document it? I really didn't intend to become a "model" as much as I wanted something to look back on later. I still don't quite understand how it happened, but somehow or another taking photos to boost my own confidence & build my personal time capsule so to speak turned into modeling. I became more & more passionate about it as women would tell me that I was inspiring them. I now see my adventures in the modeling world as a means of helping other women discover their own beauty. Hopefully I can expand some people's minds too! Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors as long as it is in your heart. Oh jeeez that sounds so cheesy...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Eating cookies & watching Sailor Moon, of course. Hopefully in a nicer house than the one I live in now!
What would be your dream modeling gig?
I really enjoy doing promo for clothing & hair accessory businesses. I am very fortunate to have good relationships with a few of them. I think a dream modeling gig would be working with companies like Iron Fist, Lucky 13, and Vans or Converse!

Which of your tattoos is your favorite?
Ooooooooh... that is such a good question. Jeeez, that's like asking a mom to pick her favorite kid! I don't know that I necessarily have a favorite because there is so much meaning behind all of my pieces. Excellent question even though I don't have an answer!
What magazines have you been featured in?
The Poetic Pinup Revue, Ivy Magazine, The Cat's Meow, Northwest
Alternative, American Classic, Retro Lovely Taboo, Retro Lovely Star
Maker, Rabid, Lush Kitten Pinup, and Striptease are the ones that I know
Do you have any hidden talents?
Do you have any hidden talents?
I'm kind of an amazing baker! Seriously.
THANK YOU! I am perpetually dumbfounded that my goofing
around has become what it has. I can not thank my fans enough for their
support, their kindness, & the encouragement. I would also tell them
to stay true to themselves & discover their own
inner beauty. Don't listen to anyone who tries to stop you or get in
your way! You are way more awesome than you realize or give yourself
credit for.
Anything else you would like to add?
Anything else you would like to add?
you can find me all over the place!
Twitter: @VeronicaVirgo
Twitter: @VeronicaVirgo
Veronica is such a great gal, in addition to being just gorgeous. Double threat!