Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sex after kids

If you are a mother or father this blog should ring truth with you!

When you bring that beautiful baby home you do not realize how much your life is going to change. You quickly see the changes to your sleep patterns and laundry pile but the one subject that may not be so prominent is the changes to your sex life. You are covered in spit up and exhausted! Your libido is non existent. Life becomes a non-ending routine of feeding, changing, cleaning ...repeat, repeat, repeat. You soon feel the distance with your mate. You may even be self conscious of your body.

As the kids get older you think you might finally get back to being the sexual being you once were. Inevitably in the throws of passion there is a knock at your door and the sound of a little voice calling "mommy". You end up with a child between you in bed.

The secret to a healthy sexual relationship with your partner is to make time. Throw away your insecurities and communicate! Be sure to rest when the kids are, schedule a date night once a week and compromise. Maybe foreplay will satisfy sometimes. And whenever possible be spontaneous!

You can find items to tighten your lady bits (women) on our site to assist you to feel and enjoy your intimate times.

Enjoy the crayons in your purse, the legos under your feet and the food on your pants because this time will pass before your eyes!

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