Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Art of Kama Sutra

Kama Sutra is the racy sex manual stemming from ancient India. Kama, which is one of the three goals of Hindu life, means sensual pleasure and Sutra means a thread that hold things together. Though the Western world believe this book to be purely sexual it is a guide to virtuous and gracious living. It discusses the nature of love, family life and other aspects pertaining to pleasure oriented faculties of human life.

The sexual focus of the Kama Sutra allows you to achieve immense pleasure through foreplay and positions of your bodies. Though some of the teachings of the Kama Sutra are things that I would not relish such as the view that rape is acceptable as well as adultery, there are many parts to this teaching that can enhance your relationship.

Following the lead of Kama Sutra teachings tools for sensual pleasure have been created. There are scented oils for use in massage. There are lubricants and flavored body paints. There are balms, books and bath gels. Kissable glosses and candles that glow. And the most famous of all is the honey dust. This is a light dust that is applied to the body with a feather (included). It is edible and has a sweet but delicate flavor. I have been told by a few ladies that it is an excellent way to curve hot flashes as well.

Wanna learn more about the Kama Sutra products? See all that we offer!

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